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Ngā Taonga Takaro, A Kaupapa Māori Approach to Physical Activity

Ngā Taonga Takaro encourages tamariki/rangatahi to participate in hakinakina (physical activity) using a kaupapa Māori approach.

Whanganui District Health Board (WDHB) and Healthy Families Whanganui Ruapehu Rangitikei (HFWRR), in collaboration with Te Kura o Kokohuia, supported this kaupapa by coordinating Ngā Taonga Takaro wānanga within Whanganui and Taihape.

These wānanga were facilitated by Rangatahi Tuu Rangatira.  Over 100 participants from throughout Whanganui, Rangitīkei and Ruapehu attended these wānanga and represented different sectors of the community. 

A highlight of Ngā Taonga Takaro is the Awa Sports Day held in March (Annual Kura Event) and hosted this year by Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Atihaunui a Paparangi.  Schools from Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Tupoho, Te Kura o Kokohuia, Te Wainuiarua, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngāti Rangi were involved and over 250 tamariki from Years 1-8 participated in a variety of Ngā Taonga Takaro kemu. Te Reo Māori was maintained throughout the day alongside key messages of wai māori (water only), sunsmart and healthy choices.

Since the initial wānanga, there have been a number of different roopu who have shown real leadership and shared their new found skill and knowledge with others.

Pania Millar (WDHB) and Jamie Procter (HFWRR) attended the recent Activity Nutrition Aotearoa (ANA) Conference in Wellington to share examples of this.

Such as, Cullinane College who incorporated Ngā Taonga Takaro into their physical activity programme where students are able to gain NCEA credits.

Maripi Tuatini, an Iwi scholarship programme for rangatahi from Year 9-13, now includes Ngā Taonga Takaro in wānanga and provides leadership opportunities for rangatahi to facilitate these kēmu with other rangatahi and their whānau.

Tamariki and rangatahi throughout the region have now experienced hakinakina from a kaupapa Māori approach and teachers and community organisations have the skills and experience they need to continue to spread  Ngā Taonga Takaro to benefit the whole community.



Get in touch

  • Healthy Families Whanganui, Rangitikei, Ruapehu
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