Our team here at Healthy Families Whanganui Rangitīkei Ruapehu, has been filled with change and adaptations due to the ever-changing context with the global pandemic, reforms, and the growing interest and acceptance that a whole of community - whole of system approach to good health and wellbeing is vital if we are to get ahead of the curve. A highlight for the team this year was the facilitation of the Ruapehu community design of a new Wellness Centre model of care - a unique integrated and holistic ecosystem of health and wellness services. The intention is a transformative change to the way services collectively engage, support, and serve, in partnership with whānau, the wider community and iwi. Led by the Ruapehu Whānau Transformation Trust, they worked together to understand the ideal Wellness Centre model that operates along a continuum of preventative to earlier interventions in healthcare and social support, removing barriers and the unplanned consequences of deeply rooted systemic issues. The Ruapehu Wellness Centre is about real and sustainable change. It requires innovation, genuine collaboration, and a new system of care that collapses the space between policy, investment and the lived reality at flax roots.
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